How to Mitigate Gun Violence in USA Schools

Gun violence is a serious public health problem that affects the lives and safety of millions of Americans. In 2020, 79% of all homicides and 53% of all suicides involved firearms. Moreover, mass shootings, such as the recent tragedy at a high school in Michigan, have become more frequent and deadly, leaving behind traumatized survivors and grieving communities.

As a nation, America cannot accept this as normal or inevitable. There is a need to take action to prevent gun violence and its devastating consequences. In this article, I will propose some evidence-based strategies that can help reduce the risk and impact of firearm-related violence and injury.

[Image: A group of students holding signs that say "How many more ?" and "Protect Kids not guns" during a protest against gun violence]

1. Strengthen background checks and safe storage laws. One of the most effective ways to prevent gun violence is to keep firearms out of the hands of people who are at risk of harming themselves or others. Background checks can help identify individuals who are prohibited from owning guns due to criminal history, domestic violence, mental illness, or other factors. Safe storage laws can help prevent unauthorized access to firearms by children, adolescents, or other unauthorized users. Research shows that these laws can reduce firearm suicides, unintentional shootings, and thefts.

2. Support community-based violence prevention programs. Many communities, especially those that are disproportionately affected by gun violence, have developed innovative and promising programs that aim to prevent and interrupt cycles of violence. These programs may involve street outreach workers, hospital-based interventions, mentoring, mediation, or restorative justice. They work by building trust, providing support, addressing trauma, resolving conflicts, and changing norms. Research shows that these programs can reduce shootings, homicides, and retaliatory violence.

3. Invest in mental health services and suicide prevention. Mental health problems are a major risk factor for firearm violence, especially suicide. In 2020, more than 23,000 Americans died by firearm suicide, accounting for more than half of all firearm deaths. Many of these deaths could have been prevented if people had access to timely and effective mental health care and crisis intervention. Suicide prevention strategies may include screening for suicidal ideation, restricting access to lethal means, providing counseling and follow-up care, and promoting help-seeking behavior.

4. Promote school safety and student well-being. Schools should be safe places where students can learn and thrive. However, school shootings have become a terrifying reality for many students and educators in the US. To prevent school shootings and other forms of violence, schools need to implement comprehensive safety plans that include threat assessment teams, emergency protocols, security measures, and coordination with law enforcement. Schools also need to foster positive school climates that promote social-emotional learning, respect, inclusion, and mental health.

5. Enhance research and data collection on firearm violence prevention. Despite the magnitude and complexity of the problem, there is a lack of reliable data and rigorous research on firearm violence prevention in the US. This hampers our ability to understand the causes and consequences of gun violence, evaluate the effectiveness of existing policies and programs, and identify new solutions and innovations. We need to invest more resources and support for firearm research and data collection at the federal, state, and local levels.

Gun violence is not inevitable; it is preventable. By implementing these strategies, we can make a difference in saving lives and creating safer communities for everyone.
